

To celebrate New Year,we will be on holidays from 28th Jan. to 9th Feb.during the time,if you have some questions or orders for our stepper motor and other cnc routers,please feel free to leave messages for us or send email to Mary@longs-motor.com

ຂໍສະແດງຄວາມຍິນດີໃນໂອກາດປີໃໝ່ທີ່ຈະມາເຖິງ ແລະ ຂໍອວຍພອນໄຊອັນປະເສີດມາຍັງບັນດາທ່ານ ຈົ່ງມີສຸຂະພາບເຂັ້ມແຂງ ແລະ ມີຄວາມຈະເລີນຮຸ່ງເຮືອງຕະຫຼອດໄປ.

ເວລາປະກາດ: 28-01-2022
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